Internationale Geschichte seit 1945 von Andreas Hilger | ISBN 9783170327719

Internationale Geschichte seit 1945

von Andreas Hilger
Buchcover Internationale Geschichte seit 1945 | Andreas Hilger | EAN 9783170327719 | ISBN 3-17-032771-2 | ISBN 978-3-17-032771-9
Studierende der Zeitgeschichte.

Internationale Geschichte seit 1945

von Andreas Hilger
International history since 1945 has been characterized by a constant increase in the numbers of major protagonists involved. In addition to governments and international organizations, independence movements, nongovernmental organizations, and multinational corporations, among others, have influenced global events. The diversity of the protagonists involved is matched by a multitude of contradictory narratives of international history. The various images of history are also determined by changes in media culture. For the period from World War II to the mid-2010s, Andreas Hilger provides a concise overview of the essential, often conflict-ridden international developments and the forces behind them. Case studies & of photographic icons and memorial parks, for example & illustrate the contradictory nature of memory and the way in which it is shaped by the media in global society and politics.