Napoleon Bonaparte von Klaus Deinet | Das Leben einer Legende | ISBN 9783170374867

Napoleon Bonaparte

Das Leben einer Legende

von Klaus Deinet
Buchcover Napoleon Bonaparte | Klaus Deinet | EAN 9783170374867 | ISBN 3-17-037486-9 | ISBN 978-3-17-037486-7
Historiker in Studium und Beruf, an Geschichte und Biographien interessiertes Publikum.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Das Leben einer Legende

von Klaus Deinet
Napoleon I is still a polarizing figure even today and is usually presented either as an outstanding saviour or as an abysmal monster who was merely driven on by fast-moving events. In this concise and methodologically well-considered biography, Klaus Deinet now outlines Napoleon=s career & from his meteoric rise to his precipitous fall & as a sequence of decisions that built on each other and were essentially made by Napoleon himself. He contrasts the military victories with the excessive strain on France=s resources, and political successes with glaring diplomatic mistakes. Deinet succeeds in presenting Napoleon=s personality as a consistent whole, although one that underwent massive changes. This results in a manageable, balanced and exciting biography, which also takes the turbulence of the era into account.