Music and its Narrative Potential | ISBN 9783846767726

Music and its Narrative Potential

herausgegeben von Carolien Van Nerom, Ann Peeters und Bart Bouckaert
Herausgegeben vonCarolien Van Nerom
Herausgegeben vonAnn Peeters
Herausgegeben vonBart Bouckaert
Buchcover Music and its Narrative Potential  | EAN 9783846767726 | ISBN 3-8467-6772-7 | ISBN 978-3-8467-6772-6

Music and its Narrative Potential

herausgegeben von Carolien Van Nerom, Ann Peeters und Bart Bouckaert
Herausgegeben vonCarolien Van Nerom
Herausgegeben vonAnn Peeters
Herausgegeben vonBart Bouckaert
“Music and its Narrative Potential” is a book about musical stories. It is a collection of thoughts on how music evokes narratives through its medium-specific strategies. This book is a multi-faceted consideration of narratives expressed through music. There are several threads and themes that flow and recur through its different chapters, the most prevailing of which are contemporary music, interdisciplinary approaches, contemporary narratology, and intermediality.