Amtsbücher des Deutschen Ordens um 1450
Pflegeamt zu Seehesten und Vogtei zu Leipe
herausgegeben von Cordula A. Franzke und Jürgen SarnowskyThe economic activity of the Teutonic Order in Prussia during the Late Middle Ages is extensively well documented by administration books. Debt registers, Handfesten or bills came down to us, which give ideas about the economic history of the Order. This edition provides insights into administration books, created in Leipe and Seehesten around 1450. Therefore, these books give information on the economic activities by subordinated officials of the Order on the lower level. These officials managed dues like grain or chicken and put selected details down in writing. Furthermore, area descriptions or remarks about the rights of use to fields, lakes and rivers were written down in these books as well. Consequently, the registers, known as Ordensfoliant 186 and 186a, provide a further opportunity to answer questions dealing with history of law, social history, and economic history. Open Access - frei verfügbare elektronische AusgabeDieses Werk ist als Open Access-Publikation im Sinne der Creative Commons-LizenzBY-NC-SA International 4.0 (»Namensnennung - Nicht kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen«) unter der DOI 10.14220/9783737003582 erschienen. Um eine Kopie dieser Lizenz zu sehen, besuchen Sie https://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/.