Management of Art Galleries von Magnus Resch | ISBN 9780714873268

Management of Art Galleries

von Magnus Resch
Buchcover Management of Art Galleries | Magnus Resch | EAN 9780714873268 | ISBN 0-7148-7326-8 | ISBN 978-0-7148-7326-8

Management of Art Galleries

von Magnus Resch

The art world is tough, the rules are a mystery, and only the lucky few make money’ – so how can galleries succeed?

What makes a commercial art gallery successful? How do galleries get their marketing right? Which potential customer group is the most attractive? How best should galleries approach new markets while still serving their existing audiences? Based on the results of an anonymous survey sent to 8,000 art dealers in the US, UK, and Germany, Magnus Resch’s insightful examination of the business of selling art is a compelling read that is both aspirational and practical in its approach.