Linux Toys II von Christopher Negus | 9 Cool New Projects for Home, Office, and Entertainment | ISBN 9780764579950

Linux Toys II

9 Cool New Projects for Home, Office, and Entertainment

von Christopher Negus
Buchcover Linux Toys II | Christopher Negus | EAN 9780764579950 | ISBN 0-7645-7995-9 | ISBN 978-0-7645-7995-0

Linux Toys II

9 Cool New Projects for Home, Office, and Entertainment

von Christopher Negus
The Linux toyshop just added a new wing
Tired of playing with your old Linux toys? Wait 'til you see what Chris Negus has cooked up for you now! How about a Web-based Gallery server for sharing digital images over a network? A slick MythTV personal video recorder entertainment center? Automating gadgets and home lighting with X10? Or recycling used PCs into powerful thin-client work- stations? Turn an old PC into a new toy, or even create your own customized Damn Small Linux that fits in your pocket! Boot up the Linux Toys II CD, and you can start playing within five minutes.
The new toys
Each with a complete materials list, all necessary software, and detailed, illustrated instructions
* Gallery Web photo server
* MythTV entertainment center PVR
* eMoviX bootable home movies
* Customized Damn Small Linux pen drive
* X10 lighting and gadget controller
* BZFlag game client and server
* Custom Devil-Linux firewall
* Icecast Internet radio station
* LTSP thin-client server