Angels and Madonnas in Islam von Franz-Josef Vollmer | Mughal and other Oriental Miniatures in the Vollmer Collection | ISBN 9783000616815

Angels and Madonnas in Islam

Mughal and other Oriental Miniatures in the Vollmer Collection

von Franz-Josef Vollmer und Friederike Weis
Autor / AutorinFranz-Josef Vollmer
Autor / AutorinFriederike Weis
Buchcover Angels and Madonnas in Islam | Franz-Josef Vollmer | EAN 9783000616815 | ISBN 3-00-061681-0 | ISBN 978-3-00-061681-5
Kunsthistoriker, Liebhaber islamischer Kunst, an interreligiösem Austausch interessierte Menschen

Angels and Madonnas in Islam

Mughal and other Oriental Miniatures in the Vollmer Collection

von Franz-Josef Vollmer und Friederike Weis
Autor / AutorinFranz-Josef Vollmer
Autor / AutorinFriederike Weis
The 16th and 17th centuries were periods of early globalisation. European tradesmen and envoys established commercial relations with the Mughal and the Safavid rulers. Simultaneously the Jesuits came to India and brought Christian paintings with them to support their missionary efforts. These paintings were copied and adapted at the instance of the Mughal rulers. The catalogue evinces how Christian themes got incorporated into Indian and Persian painting and how Christian pictures were used by the Mughal nobility for their own imperial representation.