Marcel, Girard, Bakhtin von Pius Ojara | The Return of Conversion | ISBN 9783039103799

Marcel, Girard, Bakhtin

The Return of Conversion

von Pius Ojara und Patrik Madigan
Autor / AutorinPius Ojara
Autor / AutorinPatrik Madigan
Buchcover Marcel, Girard, Bakhtin | Pius Ojara | EAN 9783039103799 | ISBN 3-03910-379-2 | ISBN 978-3-03910-379-9

Marcel, Girard, Bakhtin

The Return of Conversion

von Pius Ojara und Patrik Madigan
Autor / AutorinPius Ojara
Autor / AutorinPatrik Madigan
This book is about the human disruption and restlessness in the modern world and the way in which three important 20th century thinkers – Gabriel Marcel, René Girard and Mikhail Bakhtin – dealt with the subject. Although all three emerged from different backgrounds they produced remarkably parallel philosophies that centered on the human condition and pointed out the need for «conversion». The first part of the book elaborates Gabriel Marcel’s thought and the relationship between religion and the human quest for personal and transpersonal harmony. Further chapters provide surveys on the philosophies of «conversion» of Girard, Bakhtin and Rousseau. The book is a contribution to the discussion about human religious consciousness.