Troubling Arthurian Histories von James Simpson | Court Culture, Performance and Scandal in Chrétien de Troyes’s Erec et Enide | ISBN 9783039113859

Troubling Arthurian Histories

Court Culture, Performance and Scandal in Chrétien de Troyes’s Erec et Enide

von James Simpson
Buchcover Troubling Arthurian Histories | James Simpson | EAN 9783039113859 | ISBN 3-03911-385-2 | ISBN 978-3-03911-385-9
«Simpson's writing style is clever, playful, creative – and for that reason supremely appropriate to an analysis of Chrétien de Troyes. [...] Simpson is as hilarious as he is insightful, a perfect match between writer and subject.» (Jeffrey J. Cohen, In the Middle)

Troubling Arthurian Histories

Court Culture, Performance and Scandal in Chrétien de Troyes’s Erec et Enide

von James Simpson

Drawing on a range of approaches in cultural, gender and literary studies, this book presents Chrétien de Troyes’s Erec et Enide as a daring and playful exploration of scandal, terror and anxiety in court cultures. Through an interdisciplinary reading, it locates Erec et Enide, the first surviving Arthurian romance in French, in various contexts, from broad cultural and historical questionings such as medieval vernacular ‘modernity’s’ engagement with the weight of its classical inheritance, to the culturally fecund and politically turbulent histories of the families of Eleanor of Aquitaine and Henry II Plantagenet. Where previous accounts of the tale have not uncommonly presented Chrétien’s poem as a decorous ‘resolution’ of tensions between dynastic marriage and fin’amors, between personal desire and social duty, this reading sees these forces as in permanent and irresolvable tension, the poem’s key scenes haunted – whether mischievously or traumatically – by questions and skeletons from various closets.