Kriege und Krieger 500 - 1500 von Hans-Henning Kortüm | ISBN 9783170214163

Kriege und Krieger 500 - 1500

von Hans-Henning Kortüm
Buchcover Kriege und Krieger 500 - 1500 | Hans-Henning Kortüm | EAN 9783170214163 | ISBN 3-17-021416-0 | ISBN 978-3-17-021416-3
Leseprobe 1
Mediävisten, Studierende der mittelalterlichen Geschichte, Militärhistoriker und am Mittelalter Interessierte.

Kriege und Krieger 500 - 1500

von Hans-Henning Kortüm
The work covers the fundamental aspects of war in general and medieval war especially. Within this context the following questions are addressed: What were the reasons of waging war in the middle ages? What types of war were known to the middle ages (genocide, civil war, expansive war, etc.)? Who fought these conflicts and by what means? What was the war's impact on non-combatants? Common clichés on war in the middle ages are scrutinized though contemporary research. Following contemporary academic opinion modern wars show medieval tendencies, at the same time medieval wars are quite modern when looked at closely. An academically sound and easy to read textbook on the phenomena of war in the middle ages.