Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2014 von Christian Klausegger | ISBN 9783214007744

Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2014

von Christian Klausegger und weiteren
Autor / AutorinChristian Klausegger
Autor / AutorinPeter Klein
Autor / AutorinFlorian Kremslehner
Autor / AutorinAlexander Petsche
Autor / AutorinNikolaus Pitkowitz
Autor / AutorinJenny Power
Autor / AutorinIrene Welser
Autor / AutorinGerold Zeiler
Buchcover Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2014 | Christian Klausegger | EAN 9783214007744 | ISBN 3-214-00774-2 | ISBN 978-3-214-00774-4

Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2014

von Christian Klausegger und weiteren
Autor / AutorinChristian Klausegger
Autor / AutorinPeter Klein
Autor / AutorinFlorian Kremslehner
Autor / AutorinAlexander Petsche
Autor / AutorinNikolaus Pitkowitz
Autor / AutorinJenny Power
Autor / AutorinIrene Welser
Autor / AutorinGerold Zeiler
The Austrian Arbitration Yearbook is a collection of articles on domestic and international arbitration by leading Austrian practitioners. Some of the articles in the Yearbook analyze the implications of the most significant legislative changes in Austria and also compare these with other arbitral regimes elsewhere in Europe and abroad. The Yearbook covers a number of areas of both topical and enduring importance which are likely to be of relevance to academics, practitioners or persons who may become involved in arbitration in Austria or in any other place.