Sauerland von Peter Kracht | Dt. /Engl. /Niederl. | ISBN 9783402004258


Dt. /Engl. /Niederl.

von Peter Kracht
Fotos vonHolger Klaes
Autor / AutorinPeter Kracht
Buchcover Sauerland | Peter Kracht | EAN 9783402004258 | ISBN 3-402-00425-9 | ISBN 978-3-402-00425-8


Dt. /Engl. /Niederl.

von Peter Kracht
Fotos vonHolger Klaes
Autor / AutorinPeter Kracht
The Sauerland enjoys encreasing popularity with holidaymakers and visitors – this tri-lingual illustrated book shows more than clearly why that is so. With impressive photographs Holger Klaes has captured the wellknown and the not so wellknown aspects of the region. He shows the landscape with its mountains and valleys, its forests and meadows, its caves and its lakes, its buildings in town and country, the churches and monasteries, castles and palaces. He has visited the big and the small museums as well as open air theatres and amusement parks. Neither are carnival and marksmen's festivals nor the popular processions and markets missing here. The Sauerland is shown as a hiking and winter sports paradise, a destination for ski jumpers and bobsleigh pilots – and finally as a vital economic area offering much more than just timber, beer and wire. Author Peter Kracht has written the texts describing and explaining the colourful diversity of the country