Monismus oder Pluralismus der Rechtskulturen? | Anthropologische und ethnologische Grundlagen traditioneller und moderner Rechtssysteme - Monistic or Pluralistic Legal Culture? Anthropological and Ethnological Foundations of Traditional and Modern Legal Systems. Vorwort von - Preface by Ota Weinberger. | ISBN 9783428071937

Monismus oder Pluralismus der Rechtskulturen?

Anthropologische und ethnologische Grundlagen traditioneller und moderner Rechtssysteme - Monistic or Pluralistic Legal Culture? Anthropological and Ethnological Foundations of Traditional and Modern Legal Systems. Vorwort von - Preface by Ota Weinberger.

herausgegeben von Peter Sack, Carl P. Wellman und Mitsukuni Yasaki
Herausgegeben vonPeter Sack
Herausgegeben vonCarl P. Wellman
Herausgegeben vonMitsukuni Yasaki
Buchcover Monismus oder Pluralismus der Rechtskulturen?  | EAN 9783428071937 | ISBN 3-428-07193-X | ISBN 978-3-428-07193-7

Monismus oder Pluralismus der Rechtskulturen?

Anthropologische und ethnologische Grundlagen traditioneller und moderner Rechtssysteme - Monistic or Pluralistic Legal Culture? Anthropological and Ethnological Foundations of Traditional and Modern Legal Systems. Vorwort von - Preface by Ota Weinberger.

herausgegeben von Peter Sack, Carl P. Wellman und Mitsukuni Yasaki
Herausgegeben vonPeter Sack
Herausgegeben vonCarl P. Wellman
Herausgegeben vonMitsukuni Yasaki


Inhalt: M. Hamalengwa, The Legal System of Zambia - S.-B. Han / K.-Y. Yeun, Dekolonialisierung und Rechtskultur der neu gegründeten Staaten - M. A. N. Talesh, Law and Judicial System in Saudi-Arabia: The Formative Years - M. Omori, Collective Observance and Community Solidarity. Restraint with Reiterative Folk Rituals in a Sri Lankan and a Japanese Village - K. Yang, Law and Development with Special Reference to Contemporary Korea - S.-I Liu, Recht und Gerechtigkeit. Rechtsphilosophie in der traditionellen chinesischen Geisteswelt - T.-K. Liu, Traditional Chinese Legal Thought and the Development of the Rule of Law in Taiwan, R. O. C. - Z. Shen, Socialist Modernization and Law in China - A. E.-S. Tay, Law in the People's Republic of China: The Fifth Modernization? - J. Weidong, The Transmutation and Inner Contradiction of Legal Culture in China - M. Arai, Die Grundlage für die Übernahme des deutschen Rechtsgeschäftsbegriffs - J. R. Cassidy, An Undergraduate Course in Comparative Legal Studies - H. P. Glenn, Reception and Reconciliation of Law - S. Hicks, A Model of Society for the Comparative Study of Law - U. Kangas, On Studying the Reception of Legal Ideas and their Impact on the Legal World View - M. Koesnoe, The Practice of the Dutch Civil Code in Indonesia Today - B. Takada, Die Rezeption des Begriffs »Rechtsstaat« in Japan - U. Baxi, The Conflicting Conceptions of Legal Cultures and the Conflict of Legal Cultures - M. Chiba, Legal Pluralism in and across Legal Cultures - H. Gourko, Science and Morals in Non-Western Cultured Tradition - T. Koizumi, Cultural Diffusion, Economic Integration and the Sovereignty of the Nation-State - K. Kulcsár, Political Culture; Legal Culture, Conflicts and Harmony. A Study on East-Central Europe - M. Miyamoto, »Judges« in the Philippine Highlands: A Study of Hanunoo-Mangyan Legal Culture - P. G. Sack, Law, Morals and Religion. A Melanesian Perspective - J. M. van Dunné, The Rhine Pollution by Industrial Discharges: New Dimensions of the Good Neighbour Doctrine? - R. Ginsberg, Peace as a Human Right - L. Haworth, Psychological Freedom - W. E. Murnion, Ideology and Human Rights - R. K. Nayak, Environmental Protection and Law: Quest for Future World Order - J. Pietarinen, Rationality and Mental Inconsistencies - J. Wróblewski, Nature and Man: Dilemma of the Present and the Future