Triboelectric Nanogenerators von Yunlong Zi | Technology, Applications and Commercialization | ISBN 9783527350421

Triboelectric Nanogenerators

Technology, Applications and Commercialization

von Yunlong Zi und weiteren
Autor / AutorinYunlong Zi
Autor / AutorinHengyu Guo
Autor / AutorinJie Wang
Autor / AutorinChi Zhang
Autor / AutorinXiangyu Chen
Autor / AutorinQing Zhao
Buchcover Triboelectric Nanogenerators | Yunlong Zi | EAN 9783527350421 | ISBN 3-527-35042-X | ISBN 978-3-527-35042-1

Triboelectric Nanogenerators

Technology, Applications and Commercialization

von Yunlong Zi und weiteren
Autor / AutorinYunlong Zi
Autor / AutorinHengyu Guo
Autor / AutorinJie Wang
Autor / AutorinChi Zhang
Autor / AutorinXiangyu Chen
Autor / AutorinQing Zhao
This book covers new frontiers in this field and help explore the fundamental effects, facilitate the standardized evaluation, and further promote the performance of triboelectric nanogenerators on energy harvesting and self-powered sensing.