Taking The Earth's Pulse | Understanding Natural Disasters | ISBN 9783529054433

Taking The Earth's Pulse

Understanding Natural Disasters

herausgegeben von Peter Linke, Bernd Grundmann, Sarah Zierul und Birte Friedländer
Herausgegeben vonPeter Linke
Herausgegeben vonBernd Grundmann
Herausgegeben vonSarah Zierul
Herausgegeben vonBirte Friedländer
Buchcover Taking The Earth's Pulse  | EAN 9783529054433 | ISBN 3-529-05443-7 | ISBN 978-3-529-05443-3

Taking The Earth's Pulse

Understanding Natural Disasters

herausgegeben von Peter Linke, Bernd Grundmann, Sarah Zierul und Birte Friedländer
Herausgegeben vonPeter Linke
Herausgegeben vonBernd Grundmann
Herausgegeben vonSarah Zierul
Herausgegeben vonBirte Friedländer
In Taking the Earth's Pulse, Kiel scientists get to the bottom of natural disasters. They take helicopters to the tops of active volcanoes, research earthquakes and tsunamis, and explore the deep sea with diving robots. They have changed our understanding of the earth with their research. „The ocean floor is being swallowed up,“ says Peter Linke, one of the authors, "and that's where the world's strongest earthquakes, tsunamis and largest explosive eruptions originate. The scientists at GEOMAR share their first-hand research, goals, hopes and visions with the reader. "It's the chance to experience their fascination with the earth up close and understand their courage and motivation," writes bestselling author Frank Schätzing about this thought-provoking book that makes science easy to understand.