Current Issues in Medieval England | ISBN 9783631862742

Current Issues in Medieval England

von Letizia Vezzosi
Buchcover Current Issues in Medieval England  | EAN 9783631862742 | ISBN 3-631-86274-1 | ISBN 978-3-631-86274-2
Inhaltsverzeichnis 1

Current Issues in Medieval England

von Letizia Vezzosi
This book is a selection of papers presented at the 11th International Conference on Middle English (ICOME11), held at the University of Florence, Italy from 5 to 8 February 2019. The papers, organised under three headings “Textual Interlacing,” “Borrowing and the Lexicon,” and “Language at Different Levels,” interface different fields of linguistics, literature and philology in the context of Medieval England and offer a holistic view of current research within Middle English studies. The contributors employ a wealth of different new and traditional approaches and methodologies, and deal with materials ranging from canonical literary works to scientific and practical texts, including electronic corpora and databases.