Little Wolf II von Heike Thieme | My own Lovestory | ISBN 9783738607260

Little Wolf II

My own Lovestory

von Heike Thieme
Buchcover Little Wolf II | Heike Thieme | EAN 9783738607260 | ISBN 3-7386-0726-9 | ISBN 978-3-7386-0726-0

Little Wolf II

My own Lovestory

von Heike Thieme
In the ancient tradition of the Algonquian and Iroquois, Powhatan, Chicahominiy and Cherkokee always had a cauldron of soup or stew over the fire in case guests arrived unexpectedly. In the delicious soups, however, the ingredients ultimately focused on what leftovers to use. It combined game - mostly squirrels, rabbits or turkey with corn, beans and tomatoes and tasty spices.