All the other Mummies and Daddies von Johanna Krapf | Anna's Mummy is suffering from ME/CFS and Luke's Dad has Long Covid | ISBN 9783740783037

All the other Mummies and Daddies

Anna's Mummy is suffering from ME/CFS and Luke's Dad has Long Covid

von Johanna Krapf
Buchcover All the other Mummies and Daddies | Johanna Krapf | EAN 9783740783037 | ISBN 3-7407-8303-6 | ISBN 978-3-7407-8303-7

All the other Mummies and Daddies

Anna's Mummy is suffering from ME/CFS and Luke's Dad has Long Covid

von Johanna Krapf
Anna's mummy is suffering from ME/CFS and Luke's dad has Long Covid. Any effort may be too much for them: working, doing the household, going for a walk, climbing stairs, getting out of bed or even talking. „All the other Mummies and Daddies“ helps the children to understand their parents' situation.