Business Management von Harald Meier | MBA Essentials | ISBN 9783751980449

Business Management

MBA Essentials

von Harald Meier, herausgegeben von IfTQ-CERT Institute
Buchcover Business Management | Harald Meier | EAN 9783751980449 | ISBN 3-7519-8044-X | ISBN 978-3-7519-8044-9

Business Management

MBA Essentials

von Harald Meier, herausgegeben von IfTQ-CERT Institute
Any organization, private or public, profit or non-profit, requires effective management. Being a manager is nowadays a mass-profession - however, managers have often have not received systematic training.
In this book, the essential basics of modern management are presented systematically and with practical examples. The focus is on the scope of action as a manager responsible on any hierarchical and process level. Step-by-step, from corporate policy and environmental dynamis through strategic planning, controlling and leadership up to organization, career models and self-managementtechniques.
Target group are graduates and specialists who are systematically preparing for a new management position, e. g. in a General Management or an MBA program.