Night Fever: Film and Photography After Dark | The Shoestring Publisher, Sweden | ISBN 9783753305691

Night Fever: Film and Photography After Dark

The Shoestring Publisher, Sweden

herausgegeben von Shanay Jhavari
Buchcover Night Fever: Film and Photography After Dark  | EAN 9783753305691 | ISBN 3-7533-0569-3 | ISBN 978-3-7533-0569-1

Night Fever: Film and Photography After Dark

The Shoestring Publisher, Sweden

herausgegeben von Shanay Jhavari
Night Fever is a lavishly illustrated compendium of artist portfolios and essays that consider the unique conditions of the night-time world and its transgressive and transformational possibilities. The book comprises 20 photography portfolios by a diverse, international and intergenerational group of artists as well as 21 essays about films made during and about the night.