Healing remedies from the Lord's pharmacy - Volume 1 von Peter Kaufhold | Caring for your health with fruit, vegetables and herbs from nature and the garden | ISBN 9783753478821

Healing remedies from the Lord's pharmacy - Volume 1

Caring for your health with fruit, vegetables and herbs from nature and the garden

von Peter Kaufhold
Buchcover Healing remedies from the Lord's pharmacy - Volume 1 | Peter Kaufhold | EAN 9783753478821 | ISBN 3-7534-7882-2 | ISBN 978-3-7534-7882-1

Healing remedies from the Lord's pharmacy - Volume 1

Caring for your health with fruit, vegetables and herbs from nature and the garden

von Peter Kaufhold
Those who eat the wrong kind of food and fail to use the powers of plants to stay healthy will get sick, and those who then still fail to use them will stay sick. Just as, in ancient times, creation birthed humankind into existence, it also provided them with the means to prevent and cure disease. However, few people know about this today. It is so simple. There are fruits, vegetables and herbs that, when used properly, can prevent and also cure cancer; eliminate prostate problems, gastrointestinal infections and related complaints; make loose teeth sit firmly again; prevent flu-like infections; and, if someone has already caught the flu, shorten the course of the disease by half; tackle coughs, bronchitis and inflammations of the sinuses quickly and effectively; improve joint pain, gynaecological complaints, varicose veins and spider veins proficiently; cause sciatica and facial nerve pains to subside within days; bring rapid help in cases of bed-wetting, intestinal flora damage caused by antibiotics and, above all, in the case of nervous disorders and stress.
The way to do it is shown in this book, which not only passes on modern knowledge, but also draws on centuries-old sources. In addition to an extensive index, it offers tried and tested recipes, precise dosage recommendations and instructions for the preparation of a wide variety of natural remedies, such as cough and flu drops, ointments and oils for venous stasis, haemorrhoids, back and limb pain.