Deutsches Kryptojudentum / THE CRYPTO-JEWISH REVELATION; The jews-susite root line of the Lindauer (tribe Man, Sus, Suskind and Lindauer) von Robert Brockmann | ISBN 9783754104088

Deutsches Kryptojudentum / THE CRYPTO-JEWISH REVELATION; The jews-susite root line of the Lindauer (tribe Man, Sus, Suskind and Lindauer)

von Robert Brockmann
Buchcover Deutsches Kryptojudentum / THE CRYPTO-JEWISH REVELATION; The jews-susite root line of the Lindauer (tribe Man, Sus, Suskind and Lindauer) | Robert Brockmann | EAN 9783754104088 | ISBN 3-7541-0408-X | ISBN 978-3-7541-0408-8

Deutsches Kryptojudentum / THE CRYPTO-JEWISH REVELATION; The jews-susite root line of the Lindauer (tribe Man, Sus, Suskind and Lindauer)

von Robert Brockmann
For millennia, Judaism maintained the family lineage through places. The author shows how by means of the analysis of Jewish / crypto-Jewish names of a trunk line, the trunk line Man and Sus, can be reconstructed up to the region of Cameroon. By means of this decoding, there is a possibility that the prehistory and early history can be better understood. Also, the author attributes several names of biblical person, such as . Moses (Mo Sus) to the historical names. Furthermore also some places, as for example Jerusalen (Je Sus Al El). Also the author could validly prove that Manasseh is a place name and not as postulated it is a tribe.