Manhattan Transfer von John Dos Passos | ISBN 9783754105771

Manhattan Transfer

von John Dos Passos
Buchcover Manhattan Transfer | John Dos Passos | EAN 9783754105771 | ISBN 3-7541-0577-9 | ISBN 978-3-7541-0577-1

Manhattan Transfer

von John Dos Passos
Manhattan Transfer, considered to be one of Dos Passos' most important works, describes the development of urban life in New York City from the Gilded Age to the Jazz Age as told through a series of overlapping individual stories, primarily, of four people living in Manhattan from the 1890s to the late 1920s. The book attacks the consumerism and social indifference of contemporary urban life, portraying a Manhattan that is merciless yet teeming with energy and restlessness. The book shows some of Dos Passos' experimental writing techniques and narrative collages.