Simbly Poems von Dr. Michael Roscher | ISBN 9783754134221

Simbly Poems

von Dr. Michael Roscher
Buchcover Simbly Poems | Dr. Michael Roscher | EAN 9783754134221 | ISBN 3-7541-3422-1 | ISBN 978-3-7541-3422-1

Simbly Poems

von Dr. Michael Roscher
A poetry book with many different poems,
that was my idea.
A book for everyone, so I will continue to work on it now.
The normal books are just too boring for me.
I think a book should offer more variety.
That's why I sat down and wrote these many varied poems here.
My latest book is about love, politics and much more.
Have also written my personal opinion about the politicians.
The policy has not even properly supported the artists.
Many artists have gone financially broke.
There are colleagues of mine, they took their own lives during the Corona crisis.
Because they didn't know what to do.
Berlin's politicians have failed in all directions and keep inventing new lies so that they can continue to keep their own people under control.
It is invented again and again a new virus, again and again.
But the people still continue to be dumbed down.
Everywhere in Europe the people stand up in Poland, in France, only the Germans continue to sleep their blissful dream.