Seeds’ Town Series / A Rain of Candies von Hejun Zhang | ISBN 9783758452420

Seeds’ Town Series / A Rain of Candies

von Hejun Zhang, illustriert von Ludmila Osipova
Buchcover Seeds’ Town Series / A Rain of Candies | Hejun Zhang | EAN 9783758452420 | ISBN 3-7584-5242-2 | ISBN 978-3-7584-5242-0

Seeds’ Town Series / A Rain of Candies

von Hejun Zhang, illustriert von Ludmila Osipova
Mr. Jules Verne, who traveled around the world, built up the „Seeds’ Town“ in the entrance of the earth’s core with nuts gathered from around the world. The inhabitants of Seeds’ Town -- the seeds from all over the world -- are alive, with their own distinctive features and personalities, and they dare to imagine and try. There is a pistachio tree in Seed’s Town. Cora, the pistachio from Greece, can see all the children’s wishes on the earth. Every time one child makes a wish, the tree will bear one new pistachio with a small whoosh. The theme of A Rain of Candies is dream and love. To get African children to eat candies, Emily, a British little girl, secretly collects candies and bears misunderstandings from her parents. Her wish to have a rain of candies for African children is perceived by the pistachio tree in Seeds’ Town, which turns out to a beautiful fruit. With the help of the hairdresser Magma, they succeeded in making a rain of candies for African children through the volcano.