Hardy's People von John R Nelson | Structure and Character in the Major Fiction | ISBN 9783767700185

Hardy's People

Structure and Character in the Major Fiction

von John R Nelson
Buchcover Hardy's People | John R Nelson | EAN 9783767700185 | ISBN 3-7677-0018-2 | ISBN 978-3-7677-0018-5

Hardy's People

Structure and Character in the Major Fiction

von John R Nelson
Der Verfasser schreibt in seinem Vorwort zu dieser in englischer Sprache abgefaßten Untersuchung über die Figurenwelt Thomas Hardys: "It is my hope that the following study, which examines several structural fundamentals of Hardy's fictions, will provide a dram of differing insight into the work of this increasingly significant author, as well as a measure of additional respect for the strangely captivating, often grotesque, sometimes baffling, and always meaningful creations of Hardy's imagination in the major fiction.„ Aus dem Inhalt: Multiple Structures (“Far from the Madding Crowd;„ “The Woodlanders„ ). - Binary Structures (“The Return of the Native;„ “Jude the Obscure„ ). -Unitary Structures (“The Mayor of Casterbridge;„ “Tess"). - Summing up.