Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Gesamtausgabe / Reihe I: Werke. Band 6: Werke 1799–1800
Gesamtausgabe der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
von Johann Gottlieb Fichte, herausgegeben von Reinhard Lauth, Hans Gliwitzky, Erich Fuchs und Peter K. SchneiderThis volume presents the conclusion of the so-called atheism controversy and includes, in addition to Fichte's detailed ›Verantwortungschrift‹, Niethammer's ›Rechtfertigung‹ and other appended documents relevant to this controversy. – In the ›Bestimmung des Menschen‹ Fichte simultaneously attempts to make the principles of his scientific philosophy accessible to a broader public in a popular manner and also energetically emphasizes the practical aspects of his Wissenschaftslehre. – This volume concludes with Fichte's aesthetic treatise, ›Über Geist und Buchstabe in der Philosophie‹, which occasioned a disagreement with Schiller, and with some short texts from the ›Philosophisches Journal‹.