›Die brennende Vernunft‹ von Fabio Chávez Alvarez | Studien zur Semantik der "rationalitas" bei Hildegard von Bingen | ISBN 9783772814518

›Die brennende Vernunft‹

Studien zur Semantik der "rationalitas" bei Hildegard von Bingen

von Fabio Chávez Alvarez
Buchcover ›Die brennende Vernunft‹ | Fabio Chávez Alvarez | EAN 9783772814518 | ISBN 3-7728-1451-4 | ISBN 978-3-7728-1451-8

›Die brennende Vernunft‹

Studien zur Semantik der "rationalitas" bei Hildegard von Bingen

von Fabio Chávez Alvarez
This book studies the significance of the term rationalitas in the works of Hildegard of Bingen. To begin with, the origin of the term is explained, from the Greek Logos doctrine to early Christian Trinitarian speculation up to the ratio reception in the Early Middle Ages. Against this backdrop, the second part of the book deals with the anthropological and theological significance of rationalitas for Hildegard‹s view of life.