Romanesque Architecture von Jong-Soung Kimm | Photo Essay: Spain and Portugal | ISBN 9783803021045

Romanesque Architecture

Photo Essay: Spain and Portugal

von Jong-Soung Kimm
Buchcover Romanesque Architecture | Jong-Soung Kimm | EAN 9783803021045 | ISBN 3-8030-2104-9 | ISBN 978-3-8030-2104-5

Romanesque Architecture

Photo Essay: Spain and Portugal

von Jong-Soung Kimm
This volume is a photographic essay on Mozarabic, Asturian and Romanesque architecture on the Iberian Peninsula as seen through an architect’s eyes. It is meant to highlight and bring to life those elements of architectural design that are unique to Medieval architecture, rather than serve as an architectural history narrative. The texts describe the specific architectural design strategies of master builders, or spatial phenomena that are experienced by contemporary visitors.