Advanced Liver Resection | Special Topic Issue: Digestive Surgery 2011, Vol. 28, No. 2 | ISBN 9783805597074

Advanced Liver Resection

Special Topic Issue: Digestive Surgery 2011, Vol. 28, No. 2

herausgegeben von van Gulik und Schmidt
Herausgegeben vonvan Gulik
Herausgegeben vonSchmidt
Buchcover Advanced Liver Resection  | EAN 9783805597074 | ISBN 3-8055-9707-X | ISBN 978-3-8055-9707-4

Advanced Liver Resection

Special Topic Issue: Digestive Surgery 2011, Vol. 28, No. 2

herausgegeben von van Gulik und Schmidt
Herausgegeben vonvan Gulik
Herausgegeben vonSchmidt
Extended hemihepatectomy has become a standard procedure which can be performed with minimal mortality in patients with normal livers. At the same time, more patients with complex tumors, extensive tumor load or with highly compromised livers are considered for resection since radical excision offers the only hope for cure. These procedures require special skills and experience, and a constant update on new or improved techniques is extremely important to keep abreast of recent developments. This publication contains papers from an expert symposium held in Amsterdam in 2010. An international panel of authors presents the most recent progress in the field of advanced liver resection including the cooling of the liver with in situ or extracorporeal resection. Moreover, papers deal with metastases that have vanished after chemotherapy, two-stage hepatectomy, liver resection combined with local ablation, extended liver resection for hilar cholangiocarcinoma, and laparoscopic liver resections. Surgeons working in the field will find this publication of great interest for their daily work.