Flore d’Afrique centrale, nouvelle série, Spermatophyta | RUBIACEAE Tribu XII. Sherbournieae | ISBN 9783823618157

Flore d’Afrique centrale, nouvelle série, Spermatophyta

RUBIACEAE Tribu XII. Sherbournieae

herausgegeben von Marc Sosef
Buchcover Flore d’Afrique centrale, nouvelle série, Spermatophyta  | EAN 9783823618157 | ISBN 3-8236-1815-6 | ISBN 978-3-8236-1815-7
Inhaltsverzeichnis 1

Flore d’Afrique centrale, nouvelle série, Spermatophyta

RUBIACEAE Tribu XII. Sherbournieae

herausgegeben von Marc Sosef
A regional flora treatment of the tribe Sherbournieae (Rubiaceae) for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Burundi is presented. This group comprises three genera (Oxyanthus DC., Sherbournia G. Don and Atractogyne Pierre) and a total of 20 species (one remaining undescribed) in the study area. All 20 species occur in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where one is endemic; Rwanda and Burundi have three species each, none endemic. Oxyanthus goetzei is newly delimited to include O. dubius, O. lepidus, O. bre- mekampii and O. mayumbensis as synonyms, while lectotypes are selected for O. pallidus and Atractogyne gabonii. Oxyanthus ugandensis, believed to be ende- mic to Uganda, is now also reported for the Democratic Republic of the Congo. User-friendly keys to all taxa are included. All species are presented with a full morphological description, data on their distribution, habitat, vernacular names and uses, their conservation status, a list of representative herbarium specimens, various comments and bibliographic references. A total of 15 detailed drawings, seven scanning electron microscope photos of seeds and 49 colour photographs are provided to assist identification.