The Status Quo of Mediation in Europe and Overseas | Options for Countries in Transition | ISBN 9783830077251

The Status Quo of Mediation in Europe and Overseas

Options for Countries in Transition

herausgegeben von Frank Diedrich
Buchcover The Status Quo of Mediation in Europe and Overseas  | EAN 9783830077251 | ISBN 3-8300-7725-4 | ISBN 978-3-8300-7725-1

The Status Quo of Mediation in Europe and Overseas

Options for Countries in Transition

herausgegeben von Frank Diedrich
Mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) are universal. This book focuses on the status quo of mediation in a general sense in selected Member States of the European Union (Germany, Italy, Latvia) and overseas countries (South Africa, Australia). Also inherent problems of international mediation in the EU are highlighted. Additionally, various methods for dealing with past conflicts in countries in transition (retributive justice or ADR) are being discussed. So this book with its diverse, experienced hors can be used in a twofold manner: As a resource for the legal and practical state of affairs of mediation in certain countries as well as a suggestion de lege lata or de lege ferenda how to deal methodically with disputes - not just in countries in transition.