Kombucha von Günther W. Frank | Healthy beverage and natural remedy | ISBN 9783850683371


Healthy beverage and natural remedy

von Günther W. Frank
Buchcover Kombucha | Günther W. Frank | EAN 9783850683371 | ISBN 3-85068-337-0 | ISBN 978-3-85068-337-1


Healthy beverage and natural remedy

von Günther W. Frank
Kombucha, the fermented tea drink that has been consumed for thousands of years, is said to have a range of health benefits. It is considered a home remedy for many ailments and diseases. In this book you will discover everything you need to know about the beverage and its ancient traditions. Starting with the kombucha mushroom itself and its characteristics, to the diverse ways of preparation and use of the tey mushroom beverage, to how to make the mushroom long-lasting. This book is a must read for all kombucha fans and those who want to know more about this amazing remedy – a true “Kombucha Bible”