Outcome measurement in the Canton of Zurich von David L Schwappach | From the theory to practice - Progress report on six years of development ,implementation and experience with routinr inpatient | ISBN 9783857070709

Outcome measurement in the Canton of Zurich

From the theory to practice - Progress report on six years of development ,implementation and experience with routinr inpatient

von David L Schwappach und weiteren
Autor / AutorinDavid L Schwappach
Autor / AutorinMarc A Hochreuter
Autor / AutorinDieter Conen
Autor / AutorinKlaus Eichler
Autor / AutorinAnette Blaudszun
Autor / AutorinChristian M Koeck
Buchcover Outcome measurement in the Canton of Zurich | David L Schwappach | EAN 9783857070709 | ISBN 3-85707-070-6 | ISBN 978-3-85707-070-9

Outcome measurement in the Canton of Zurich

From the theory to practice - Progress report on six years of development ,implementation and experience with routinr inpatient

von David L Schwappach und weiteren
Autor / AutorinDavid L Schwappach
Autor / AutorinMarc A Hochreuter
Autor / AutorinDieter Conen
Autor / AutorinKlaus Eichler
Autor / AutorinAnette Blaudszun
Autor / AutorinChristian M Koeck
4 Abb.