Perils and Captivity von C A Dard | ISBN 9783861952947

Perils and Captivity

von C A Dard, P R de Brisson und J Godin
Autor / AutorinC A Dard
Autor / AutorinP R de Brisson
Autor / AutorinJ Godin
Buchcover Perils and Captivity | C A Dard | EAN 9783861952947 | ISBN 3-86195-294-7 | ISBN 978-3-86195-294-7

Perils and Captivity

von C A Dard, P R de Brisson und J Godin
Autor / AutorinC A Dard
Autor / AutorinP R de Brisson
Autor / AutorinJ Godin
Comprising the sufferings of the Picard familiy after the shipwreck of the Medusa in 1816, a narrative of the captivity of M. de Brisson in 1785, and a description of the voyage of Madame Godin along the river of the Amazons in 1770. Originally published in 1827.