The Bauhaus Masters von Andreas Hüneke | Weimar. Dessau. Berlin | ISBN 9783865023735

The Bauhaus Masters

Weimar. Dessau. Berlin

von Andreas Hüneke
Buchcover The Bauhaus Masters | Andreas Hüneke | EAN 9783865023735 | ISBN 3-86502-373-8 | ISBN 978-3-86502-373-5

The Bauhaus Masters

Weimar. Dessau. Berlin

von Andreas Hüneke
No other art school has attained a comparably wide-reaching fame and produced such an abundance of legends as the Bauhaus. Its founder Walter Gropius, and the painter, sculptor, and set designer Oskar Schlemmer are world famous, as are Josef Albers, Johannes Itten, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, László Moholy-Nagy, Gunta Stölzl, and many others. What distinguished them and what did they have in common? How did they inspire their students? What artistic achievements made the twenty-five teachers presented here so renowned?