European Security Union von Trygve Ben Holland | On the Dichotomy of Liberty and Security in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice | ISBN 9783866767256

European Security Union

On the Dichotomy of Liberty and Security in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

von Trygve Ben Holland, Sarah Holland-Kunkel, André Röhl und Carina Zachau
Autor / AutorinTrygve Ben Holland
Autor / AutorinSarah Holland-Kunkel
Autor / AutorinAndré Röhl
Autor / AutorinCarina Zachau
Buchcover European Security Union | Trygve Ben Holland | EAN 9783866767256 | ISBN 3-86676-725-0 | ISBN 978-3-86676-725-6
Inhaltsverzeichnis 1

European Security Union

On the Dichotomy of Liberty and Security in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

von Trygve Ben Holland, Sarah Holland-Kunkel, André Röhl und Carina Zachau
Autor / AutorinTrygve Ben Holland
Autor / AutorinSarah Holland-Kunkel
Autor / AutorinAndré Röhl
Autor / AutorinCarina Zachau
Present book addresses the concepts, policies, programmes, legislative measures and institutions constituting the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice – with emphasis on the protection of civil liberties, namely fundamental rights, and liberal democratic values against the background of Human Rights. To work on this multi-layered dichotomy – liberty and security, or vice versa, – has been the idea when conceptualising the project ERUPT (European Rights and Union Protection Tools) as a Jean Monnet Module under the ERASMUS+ programme of the EU.