Who Does the Shopping? – German Time-use Evidence, 1996–2009 von Mark Andor | ISBN 9783867884495

Who Does the Shopping? – German Time-use Evidence, 1996–2009

von Mark Andor und Frederik Hesse
Autor / AutorinMark Andor
Autor / AutorinFrederik Hesse
Buchcover Who Does the Shopping? – German Time-use Evidence, 1996–2009 | Mark Andor | EAN 9783867884495 | ISBN 3-86788-449-8 | ISBN 978-3-86788-449-5

Who Does the Shopping? – German Time-use Evidence, 1996–2009

von Mark Andor und Frederik Hesse
Autor / AutorinMark Andor
Autor / AutorinFrederik Hesse