International Bibliography of Jazz Books.Compiled with the assistance of Norbert Ruecker. von Carl Gregor Herzog zu Mecklenburg | Volume I: 1921-1949, Volume II: 1950-1959. | ISBN 9783873205673

International Bibliography of Jazz Books.Compiled with the assistance of Norbert Ruecker.

Volume I: 1921-1949, Volume II: 1950-1959.

von Carl Gregor Herzog zu Mecklenburg und Norbert Ruecker
Autor / AutorinCarl Gregor Herzog zu Mecklenburg
Autor / AutorinNorbert Ruecker
Buchcover International Bibliography of Jazz Books.Compiled with the assistance of Norbert Ruecker. | Carl Gregor Herzog zu Mecklenburg | EAN 9783873205673 | ISBN 3-87320-567-X | ISBN 978-3-87320-567-3

International Bibliography of Jazz Books.Compiled with the assistance of Norbert Ruecker.

Volume I: 1921-1949, Volume II: 1950-1959.

von Carl Gregor Herzog zu Mecklenburg und Norbert Ruecker
Autor / AutorinCarl Gregor Herzog zu Mecklenburg
Autor / AutorinNorbert Ruecker
This series is a revised and expanded edition of the International Jazz Bibliography (1969) and its two supplements. Whenever possible, Mecklenburg examined originals of every edition of every book listed. When it was not feasible, he sought photocopies of the titlepages and tables of contents. Mecklenburg not only provides a full bibliographic description for each title, he also indicates whether his source was an original or copy, and which informant from his worldwide network provided that source. The scope is narrowly focused, excluding works not directly and exclusively pertaining to jazz. Arrangement is alphabetical by author, and chronological for multiple works by one author. Each entry is numbered, with editions of each work listed under the original and lettered a, b, c, etc.
With a list of phantom titles, an index of collaborators, an index of key-words and persons named in titles, an index of subjects, collections and series, of countries and a chronological survey of the years of publication.