Parts and Moments | ISBN 9783884050125

Parts and Moments

herausgegeben von Barry Smith
Beiträge vonKevin Mulligan
Beiträge vonBarry Smith
Beiträge vonPeter Simons
Beiträge vonDallas Willard
Beiträge vonGilbert T Null
Beiträge vonWolfgang Künne
Beiträge vonRoger, A Simons
Herausgegeben vonBarry Smith
Buchcover Parts and Moments  | EAN 9783884050125 | ISBN 3-88405-012-5 | ISBN 978-3-88405-012-5

Parts and Moments

herausgegeben von Barry Smith
Beiträge vonKevin Mulligan
Beiträge vonBarry Smith
Beiträge vonPeter Simons
Beiträge vonDallas Willard
Beiträge vonGilbert T Null
Beiträge vonWolfgang Künne
Beiträge vonRoger, A Simons
Herausgegeben vonBarry Smith
The present collection of papers is the first substantial study of the formal-ontological theory of part-whole relations developed by Brentano and his students, Stumpf, Twardowski, Meinong and Husserl, at the end of the last century. The theory was elaborated in the first decades of the present century by the early phenonenologists, and also by theoretical psychologists, linguists, anthropologists, legal theorists and others influenced Particularly by the work of Husserl.
This volume is an attempt to rekindle an interest in this neglected tradition. It offers a valuable set of source materials on the logical, ontological and psychological theories developed in Austria, Germany and Poland before the Second World War, and provides an introduction to the logical aspects of Husserlian thought which is especially suitable for those familiar with the methods of analytic Philosophy.
A comprehensive, annotated bibliography on part/whole makes this volume of further value to those interested in this field.
Individual papers and the bibliography are also available bound separately. Please write for special price-list.
Of interest to:
Philosophers, linguists, logicians, historians of these disciplines, historians of 20th century European thought