color and mind | geometric constructivist art of the Arithmeum Collection | ISBN 9783894799137

color and mind

geometric constructivist art of the Arithmeum Collection

herausgegeben von Ina Prinz
Buchcover color and mind  | EAN 9783894799137 | ISBN 3-89479-913-7 | ISBN 978-3-89479-913-7

color and mind

geometric constructivist art of the Arithmeum Collection

herausgegeben von Ina Prinz
Does geometrical-constructive art have a sensual aspect? Often, it is confronted with the prejudice that it is calculable, cold and bloodless. And yet, examining geometrical compositions by artists such as Max Bill, Richard Paul Lohse, Johannes Itten and Richard Mortensen holds many surprises.
In this book, editor Ina Prinz shows the development of geometrical-constructive art from the collection of the Arithmeum in Bonn, Germany, which is one of the leading collections of this style, thus enabling access to a different way of viewing and interpreting modern art. Above all, she clears up common prejudices: Behind the superficial rigour and the geometrical forms, viewers will encounter a subtle sensuality, unparalleled in many other art movements.