Health Promotion Circles at the Workplace von Alfons Schröer | A new approach to workplaace health promotion | ISBN 9783897015029

Health Promotion Circles at the Workplace

A new approach to workplaace health promotion

von Alfons Schröer und Reinhold Sochert
Autor / AutorinAlfons Schröer
Autor / AutorinReinhold Sochert
Buchcover Health Promotion Circles at the Workplace | Alfons Schröer | EAN 9783897015029 | ISBN 3-89701-502-1 | ISBN 978-3-89701-502-9

Health Promotion Circles at the Workplace

A new approach to workplaace health promotion

von Alfons Schröer und Reinhold Sochert
Autor / AutorinAlfons Schröer
Autor / AutorinReinhold Sochert
15 Abb., 4 Tab.