Tips, Tricks and new Technics for peripheral Interventions von Dierk Scheinert | ISBN 9783899351903

Tips, Tricks and new Technics for peripheral Interventions

von Dierk Scheinert und Giancarlo Biamino
Autor / AutorinDierk Scheinert
Autor / AutorinGiancarlo Biamino
Buchcover Tips, Tricks and new Technics for peripheral Interventions | Dierk Scheinert | EAN 9783899351903 | ISBN 3-89935-190-8 | ISBN 978-3-89935-190-3

Tips, Tricks and new Technics for peripheral Interventions

von Dierk Scheinert und Giancarlo Biamino
Autor / AutorinDierk Scheinert
Autor / AutorinGiancarlo Biamino

The increasing multidisciplinary interest in peripheral endovascular interventions was determinant stimulus to write this book – designed to provide a practical support for physicians involved in a peripheral interventional program and reflecting the authors` experience. For this reason, step-by-step description and schematic illustration of basic and advanced evidence-based interventional techniques are the body of the book. Furthermore, illustrated presentation of clinical cases in DVD as well as the discussion of appropriate interventional material should provide a practical guideline for starting the peripheral adventure.