Ecological Justice | Churches as civil-society-stakeholders - Perspectives from Afrika and Europe | ISBN 9783899912609

Ecological Justice

Churches as civil-society-stakeholders - Perspectives from Afrika and Europe

herausgegeben von Claudia Jahnel und Traugott Jähnichen
Herausgegeben vonClaudia Jahnel
Herausgegeben vonTraugott Jähnichen
Buchcover Ecological Justice  | EAN 9783899912609 | ISBN 3-89991-260-8 | ISBN 978-3-89991-260-9

Ecological Justice

Churches as civil-society-stakeholders - Perspectives from Afrika and Europe

herausgegeben von Claudia Jahnel und Traugott Jähnichen
Herausgegeben vonClaudia Jahnel
Herausgegeben vonTraugott Jähnichen
This book is the poduct of the contributions made by
researchers from different academic backgrounds who
share the common interest of engagement in environmental
sustainability. These papers were collected at the
end of a conference hosted by the Faculty of Protestant
Theology at Ruhr Universität Bochum on the topic
„Churches as civil society stakeholders engaged for ecological
justice: Perspectives from Africa and Europe”.
This conference brought together upto 30 researchers/
scholars who shared their research interests/findings in
an interdisciplinary and bicontinental manner and in
relation to the topic of our conference.
The contents of this book therefore reflect opinions of
researchers/scholars from Pentecostal studies, environmental
science, Religious Studies, Theology, Ethics, and
Public Policy Analysis who engaged their research.