Bunny, We Bought a Dungeon von Andrea Rick | ISBN 9783910506060

Bunny, We Bought a Dungeon

von Andrea Rick und Jasmin Neitzel, illustriert von Andrea Rick, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Andrea Rick
Autor / AutorinAndrea Rick
Autor / AutorinJasmin Neitzel
Illustriert vonAndrea Rick
Übersetzt vonAndrea Rick
Buchcover Bunny, We Bought a Dungeon | Andrea Rick | EAN 9783910506060 | ISBN 3-910506-06-2 | ISBN 978-3-910506-06-0

Bunny, We Bought a Dungeon

von Andrea Rick und Jasmin Neitzel, illustriert von Andrea Rick, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Andrea Rick
Autor / AutorinAndrea Rick
Autor / AutorinJasmin Neitzel
Illustriert vonAndrea Rick
Übersetzt vonAndrea Rick
You are a group of anthropomorphic bunnies in a traditional fantasy world who have bought a dungeon to move in there together...
Bunny, We Bought a Dungeon is a GM-less story game for 2-6 players. It needs zero preparation and is perfect for one-shots. Just gather some dice, get something to write/draw, open the zine/PDF and start playing!
After creating your bunnies (which is quick and easy), you drop some dice onto a sheet of paper. Based on that, you draw your dungeon map and narrate the exploration and renovation of the dungeon by your bunny group. 22 random roll tables support you with ideas.