Crisis Prevention and Conflict Management by the European Union von Tobias Debiel | Concepts, Capacities and Problems of Coherence | ISBN 9783927783416

Crisis Prevention and Conflict Management by the European Union

Concepts, Capacities and Problems of Coherence

von Tobias Debiel und Martina Fischer
Autor / AutorinTobias Debiel
Autor / AutorinMartina Fischer
Buchcover Crisis Prevention and Conflict Management by the European Union | Tobias Debiel | EAN 9783927783416 | ISBN 3-927783-41-2 | ISBN 978-3-927783-41-6

Crisis Prevention and Conflict Management by the European Union

Concepts, Capacities and Problems of Coherence

von Tobias Debiel und Martina Fischer
Autor / AutorinTobias Debiel
Autor / AutorinMartina Fischer