Fathers and Mothers Who Shape the World von Nathanael Bucher | ISBN 9783936322996

Fathers and Mothers Who Shape the World

von Nathanael Bucher, Emanuel Sieber, Markus Jerominski und Urs Trüb, herausgegeben von Martin Gmür, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Janet Mayer
Autor / AutorinNathanael Bucher
Autor / AutorinEmanuel Sieber
Autor / AutorinMarkus Jerominski
Herausgegeben vonMartin Gmür
Autor / AutorinUrs Trüb
Übersetzt vonJanet Mayer
Buchcover Fathers and Mothers Who Shape the World | Nathanael Bucher | EAN 9783936322996 | ISBN 3-936322-99-6 | ISBN 978-3-936322-99-6

Fathers and Mothers Who Shape the World

von Nathanael Bucher, Emanuel Sieber, Markus Jerominski und Urs Trüb, herausgegeben von Martin Gmür, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Janet Mayer
Autor / AutorinNathanael Bucher
Autor / AutorinEmanuel Sieber
Autor / AutorinMarkus Jerominski
Herausgegeben vonMartin Gmür
Autor / AutorinUrs Trüb
Übersetzt vonJanet Mayer
How can church become a place where people can truly experience the love of the Father, become whole in body soul and spirit and be set free to fulfil their calling?
Fatherlessness today is not only an issue in society, but often (unfortunately) in the churches.
There are many “spiritual orphans” – people who have at some point been converted and have been in the church for many years, without really experiencing spiritual growth and finding their calling.
God, the father of all fatherhood, is seeking spiritual fathers and mothers who are willing to commit themselves to individuals for as long as necessary until the former are able to found spiritual families of their own.
This will lead to apostolic extended families which are related to one another in a deep commitment and in which the father heart of God can be reproduced.
This book by five Swiss authors speaks directly from practical experience and is a milestone on the way to understanding what church really is.