Hand oedema program von Maik Hartwig | to relieve your hand | ISBN 9783936817980

Hand oedema program

to relieve your hand

von Maik Hartwig
Buchcover Hand oedema program | Maik Hartwig | EAN 9783936817980 | ISBN 3-936817-98-7 | ISBN 978-3-936817-98-0
For home-based and clinical rehabilitation

Hand oedema program

to relieve your hand

von Maik Hartwig
Oedema of the hand can develop either as an individual symptom of upper-extremity hemiplegia or as a component of the shoulder-hand syndrome. The potentially painful swelling of the hand leads to a passive and active impairment of the fingers' and wrist's mobility.
This exercise program enables relatives as well as therapists to selectively and passively treat the patient's neurological hand oedema. By progressing step by step from shoulder girdle down to the fingers, plain grips and handlings for a goal-oriented intervention and positioning are presented.