E-Cinema: Possible Juridical, Industrial and Cultural Consequences von Arnold Vahrenwald | ISBN 9783937231174

E-Cinema: Possible Juridical, Industrial and Cultural Consequences

von Arnold Vahrenwald
Buchcover E-Cinema: Possible Juridical, Industrial and Cultural Consequences | Arnold Vahrenwald | EAN 9783937231174 | ISBN 3-937231-17-X | ISBN 978-3-937231-17-4

E-Cinema: Possible Juridical, Industrial and Cultural Consequences

von Arnold Vahrenwald
E-cinema offers new perspectives for the distribution of audiovisual content to film theatres. In e-cinema film prints are replaced by the digitised content stored on electronic data carriers or in electronic databases. A trust center ensures the protection of the content against piracy by appropriate means. The e-cinema film theatre is equipped with a digital projector, a server and facilities for the storage of the electronic files, so that any other digital content, including live, can be screened. International standards for e-cinema are developing. In spite of these advantages, the digital revolution on the theatre screen faces impediments: the traditional value chain is upset. Savings through digitisation accrue essentially to distribution. Business models envisage a participation of distributors in exhibitors’ costs, but the digitisation does not only facilitate projection, it requires control and management of the content through play-out-service centres to fight piracy. Exhibitors may not easily be prepared to concede this control to third parties.
The production, distribution and exhibition of digital content will affect our perception of the filmed reality. The consumer is likely to develop a critical distance to screened content. Digital projection of content permits an increased customerisation. Theatres will adapt programs and advertising to the needs of the audience. E-cinema is likely to favour the globalisation of content and culture, but the increased exploitation of screens can also benefit niche content. Cross-border projection will be possible, for example via satellite communication. The rules of the international trade were developed with regard to the distribution of corporeal film prints and broadcasting services. How can these rules be applied to global e-cinema?
The book provides an overview concerning this developing sector of the film business. The author, teaching at MAGICA (Master Europeo in Gestione di Industria Cinematografica e Audiovisiva), Rome, is an experienced scientist and legal practitioner on the international level. He may be contacted: info@vahrenwald. com