Experiences with God Part II von Johannes Wurster | ISBN 9783938297193

Experiences with God Part II

von Johannes Wurster, herausgegeben von Corinna Holzheimer
Buchcover Experiences with God Part II | Johannes Wurster | EAN 9783938297193 | ISBN 3-938297-19-0 | ISBN 978-3-938297-19-3

Experiences with God Part II

von Johannes Wurster, herausgegeben von Corinna Holzheimer
This book is the legacy of a past with many traumata a young man had to go through. But instead of giving up he reflects his past - what was good and what was bad - and tries to find a new way back into a life which he had lived before and that seemed to be lost. A human life sometimes seems to be not open like a dense forrest - but the light of God shining from above wants to give lead and offers guidance.